Four Euro 2020 Games for Dublin

Great news for Dublin as it has been announced that the city will host four of the Euro 2020 games!

The Aviva Stadium

The Aviva Stadium

If Ireland qualify for the finals of 2020 games they will play two of their games at the Aviva Stadium. It is estimated that the city will benefit to thet tune of €100 million and is one of the biggest international sporting events ever held in Dublin.

John Delaney, The FAI boss said:
“We have been awarded the biggest field sport event ever awarded to Ireland. I am delighted and relieved”

This was a result of a joint venture by the FAI, Dublin City Council, The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and many others and the beat off many other bids from other cities including Cardiff.

Yes, this event is six years away but there’s a lot of planning for Four Euro 2020 Games for Dublin before everything is finalized, stadiums are updated, accommodation is organized, policing and  transport is arranged, media deals are negotiated and so on.
This gives plenty time to ensure that there are no glitches, that the proper planning is in place and that everyone is singing from the same hymn-sheet.
We do not want another catastrophe like the Garth Brooks debacle when tens of millions were lost because of poor planning and lack of cooperation between the various interested parties.
